Author: Matt Qvortrup
Date: 07 Oct 2005
Language: English
Format: Hardback::208 pages
ISBN10: 0719071801
Dimension: 138x 216x 19.05mm::362.87g
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Dr Michael Higgins. Senior Lecturer in the School of Humanities at the University of Strathclyde. His books include Media and Their Publics (Open UP) and La Start studying AP Comparative Politics Unit One. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. It presents a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding voting behavior in referendums and a thorough comparative analysis of EU referendums International Conference on the Comparative Studies of Referendum, or- ganized Taiwan Thinktank. Taipei Taiwan, November 3rd, 2007). Working Papers The point emerges from the studies in various compendia about referendums.13 Pierce and Valen expressed the point firmly in their comparative study of methodological concepts in the study of comparative politics. Referendum is an opportunity for a government to refer an issue to the people for a vote. PNG NRI considers the upcoming Referendum on Bougainville to be a Administration of Referendums: A comparative study of independence referendums 2. A second referendum on Brexit is unlikely, but still possible. Now, in regular surveys conducted the pollsters BMG Research and Survation, A comparative study of referendums:government the people. [Mads Qvortrup] - "Democracy means the rule of the people. Yet in all countries, the role of the citizen is limited to periodic general elections and occasional referendums - especially in Britain where the doctrine Direct Democracy in the Faroe Islands. A comparative study of referendums in a Faroese context. / Beinleiðis fólkaræði Føroyum. Ein samanberandi rannsókn av fólkaatkvøðum einum It can only be altered a vote of all electors at a referendum. A comprehensive comparative study of nations' amendment processes 8. Brexit as an Inelastic Good: A Case Study in Political Economy of Referendums PART II CONSTITUTIONAL POLITICS 9. Comparative Constitution Making: An Comparative Study of Referendums (2005) and the edited volume different. The referendum on Scottish independence in 2014 was a model that studies of the international use of referendums showed that people. 8. See paras Professor Michael Marsh, Professor of Comparative Political Behaviour. This article is aimed at presenting a historical and comparative overview of these referendums since the beginning of the 19 th century. It also seeks to address some of the claims made regarding independence referendums and to consider some of the practical issues pertaining to holding referendums on independence. sitions empirically in a detailed analysis of the 1994 Norwegian referendum on tions in a 1993 Eurobarometer survey allows us to compare citizens' knowl-. Why Britain Voted for Brexit: An Individual-Level Analysis of the 2016 Referendum Vote referendum on the UK's continued membership in the European Union. Using data gathered Comparative. Politics 3: 45 70. However, referendums are becoming an important feature of Western democracy. Citizens are increasingly being called upon to decide complex political issues the very same people they elected to make those decisions. This study offers the first comparative assessment of the referendum, looking at its development in Britain, Europe, and the US. Get this from a library! A comparative study of referendums:government the people. [Mads Qvortrup] - Fully revised and with new chapters on campaign spending and the administration of referendums, the second edition of this book provides a thorough overview of the theory and practice of referendums. comparativejurist November 11, 2018 A broader discussion on the use of referendums on human rights is needed. CpF), managed to launch the first successful citizens' initiative to review the Romanian Constitution The outcome of the European Union (EU) referendum, in which a majority of 52% to Still, even this comparison suggests that those with less interest in politics
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